container garden from scratch

I shared a while ago via Facebook about the building of my garden box, but I haven’t shared here. My husband and I live in a Burbank duplex surrounded by a lot of concrete. This spring I decided I needed to create a nice serene place we could enjoy outside which prompted me to start a container garden. Come to find out purchasing enough containers to create the serene environment I was going for was out of my price range!  So Will and I put our design skills to work and came up with a garden box to fit my needs. With the help of our friends Bryan and Jamie it was built in no time flat. The wood (which is redwood fencing) and hardware cost no more then 30 dollars and the labor was free!! I love free!

So after 3 months, my garden box is looking very healthy, with just a few small problems that I’m currently trying to smooth out (pest and desiease, posts to come). Currently growing in this container from top to bottom, left to right are :Row ONE: green onions Row TWO: cucumbers, garlic Row THREE: carrots, basil Row FOUR: jalapenos, Serrano chillies, cilantro, Italian flat leaf parsley.

I’m learning so much from this little box. I have other planters around the yard as well, I’ll touch on some of those later. If you’ve never had a vegetable garden I highly recommend it. Its so rewarding and relaxing. I love going out and pruning, cleaning and watering the plants. It a great time to step away from high tech life and just be quiet. I even use it as a time to pray. Gardening can be a very spiritual experience. Any time I’m pruning I can’t help but think about how God sometimes has to do the same thing in us, and sometimes it hurts, but its always worth it in the end. There are so many things that happen in a gardens life that are so similar to our lives, its always neat to make those connections.

My next few posts will be about my gardening woes….